Hello, I’m Jin, a flight attendant in her 40s who is on a diet.It’s already Thursday, isn’t it It looks like this week is almost over I can’t believe it’s already mid-June.Where does time go? If you take personal training at Wonju Innovation City Gym, do diet exercises at apartment gyms, eat diet menus every day, do diet exercises again, and write a diet diary in your 40s
I drank yesterday and exercised a lot to reflect on myself. Today was my 27th PT day at Wonju Innovation City Gym Today, PT Sam will organize the home training set and teach us I got two sets of diet home training, but please add one more today~~ Then it will be three sets. I’m really looking forward to PT!! I’m always looking forward to it. Can I do that

Let’s start with today’s diet diary
exercise diary

Aerobic exercise on an empty stomach is complete in the morning!!! I ran hard during the interval in the morning and I was really exhausted after 20 minutes…I almost died…Isn’t it really good to have a beautiful phenomenon where your maximum heart rate goes up and you take a shower with sweat?It’s good to go on a diet where you walk for about 40 minutes, Running short and thick like this I love itSweaty face… This is eyesore, but Peaty exercise diaryToday is the 27th PT at Wonju Innovation City Gym, and I love Gibney while walking on a dynamic treadmill while enjoying beautiful sceneryLooking at my back, I feel something different. The first PT started in January, so the fact that you wore a long top and there was really no comparable photo is a little? I’m sorry。Today was a day to learn new home training by checking the posture of home training diet exercise that you taught me. PT Sam used to be a home training trainer, and he built his body through home training and spread his skills everywhere!!Home training is good, but first of all, home training has great willpower… Going to the center or gym and exercising… It’s more… Hahaha, but just in case you can’t go to the gym, I recommend home training from a teacher like thisRecommended for home training. You told me in the first set of YOPE Home training posture, My half push-up posture has improved a lot. When I first saw it, I thought it was a turtle… I’m going to fire push-upsJanuary 25 and June 13When I look at it, it’s really… They say that I was like thatRight now, I’m going to make a cool posture I’ve become a person who can do half push-ups. HahahaAnd when you first take personal training, you will be able to push up as promised by Personal Training Sam!!Vibre PT Innovation Store Reservations on 17th and 26th floors of Health-ro, Wonju-si, Gangwon-doThis person who absolutely adheres to what you said is wonderful!!And that’s how push-ups became possibleWhen practicing, I told them to put something soft on their chest for mobility and practice going down to that positionCrunch/Plancrunch didn’t work at first, but I was told to reduce the reaction if I use too much reaction because it’s still the first timeYou can’t give them a lot of reactionYou said that even if you go up a little bit, you need to put more energy into your stomach and practice using your stomach strength. It’s really different in the video.I can’t believe posture is so important!!!crunch with a little less reactionAnd the home workout moves I fell in love with!!! Slow Buffy, when you slowly adjust your posture and come up, your thighs, my thighs, my hips, wow~Dumbbell squat press. I use 3kg dumbbells. It’s hard to exercise all over the body even if you look like this. HahaMountain climber Mountain climber also pushes the shoulder blades!! Stable buzz!!!!I learned the posture of home training was examined in this degree of home training…Really… I learned new posture todayI thought that world.Really…This is a home training. How do you do you like thisSo, please try this againI recommend youin a plank shoulder touch plank position It’s a shoulder touch position I feel a lot of strength in my stomach. If I don’t put a lot of strength in my stomach, I can’t balance my body and it really shakes.That’s awesome!!!Spider Planck, this position It’s amazing. Like Spider-Man My sides are choked up and my stomach is about to burst. My arm muscles are freaking out I feel like I can’t tell until I try thisWide squat jump. This is a wide squat posture and a jump, but when you do a wide squat, press still It’s going to be slow, slow, fastDumbbellカール Curl & Press Dumbbellカール Curl & Press. It was more difficult than I expected. At first, I practiced separating parts very slowly I was told that I had to connect it, so I tried my best I’ve got a lot of exercise in my upper body I was completely surprised… Can you see my back muscles moving tooWe learned three new home training moves today.There are more movements that I can do. I’m so happy~~ Every time I learn new movements like this, I’m really happy.And the Mind-Mmuscle Connection that PT Sam always talks aboutThey told me to recognize the part I’m trying to work out with my head and do it while wondering if that part will be exercise!!! So I worked hard when riding stepper I tried my best to ride it, paying attention to my buttocks, hamstrings and eight angles Today, I learned the posture of home training and was exhausted, so I just stepped for 30 minutes. Home training is not home training!!It’s really hard!!!I recommend home trainingI’m so happy that my face is bleeding and covered in sweat after completing the stepper today… Wow~~ I really did a great diet exercise!!! Last time I wore this exercise tower, my chest was very heavy, but it got a little better!! It’s all thanks to Dr. Petty!!!These blue pants used to look so fat and scary that I couldn’t wear them well, but now I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have such a burdensome fit…I went home after my personal training and walked back to buy bread.Baba is too far from my house…but just the right distance to walkThese blue pants used to look so fat and scary that I couldn’t wear them well, but now I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have such a burdensome fit…I went home after my personal training and walked back to buy bread.Baba is too far from my house…but just the right distance to walkI walked there in the stomach, and I walked there, and walked to the Pachinkans, and walked there, and walked to the PachinkansI love you, I love you, I love you’ll be a beautiful 1000 calories today, so I’m going to eat a beautiful 1000 caloriesInstead, I ate a noodles, but I was good for eating with nutritional ingredients, and I was good for nutrition ingredients, and I was very happy to eatthe morning, tomorrow.Osteoprotein meal taken after aerobic fasting.I eat all my dinner at 8 o’clock, so I usually stay hungry for 15 hours. 16:8 It’s not intermittent fasting, but 15:9 after fasting aerobic, so the hunger time is relatively long?? Isn’t that right?lunchI ate it with protein bread and vegetables. I ate the diet menu well before going to PT, so I ate lightly. I went to PT every time and was full. “I’m full”. I ate this much today I went to personal training and it was just rightintake of proteinAfter exercising, he took protein with the protein powder from Vibre.It’s really good because you don’t have to carry around the protein that you have prepared after exerciseevening [evening, evening, evening].For dinner, I had boiled tofu with konnyaku noodles. Tofu tastes really good when I slow-cooked it with all the nutritious diet foods such as zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, onion and chingen vegetablesMy hair grows really fast today because I eat diet diary protein in my 40s, which I worked so hard to lose weight and ate diet menu, right?I’m surprised sometimes. While taking personal training today I think it’s really coolI learned how to do home training I don’t think home training is home training It was really hard, so next time I went for personal training, it was almost a month, so I decided to do an in-body test again, but my heart is pounding. I’ve been drinking a lot until nowEven so.. Now that my eye body has improved… I will post it with the results of the in-body test next time I take personal training~ Let’s get a good job today too Have a happy day~ Life and health influencer Click I will be a fan of Jin[제발신]] Unfortunately, it’s not a reminder of what we did wrong, it’s a reminder of what we can do. better.in.naver.com[제발신]] Unfortunately, it’s not a reminder of what we did wrong, it’s a reminder of what we can do. better.in.naver.com[제발신]] Unfortunately, it’s not a reminder of what we did wrong, it’s a reminder of what we can do. better.in.naver.com